
Fix problems using BT Text

How can I bttest the BT Text service?

To bttest the service at any time - or register - just text 'register' to 00000.

I've got a text enabled phone, why can't I send and receive messages with BT Text?

Some phones have Service Centre numbers programmed into them. These numbers enable you to send and receive text messages with BT Text.

Service Centre numbers may vary for different models of phones. Download our Service Centre information PDF to find the numbers you'll need for your specific handset.

Service centre numbers (pdf, 330kb).

If you're still having problems, call us on 0330 123 4150


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I've got a text enabled phone. Why am I receiving spoken text messages?

If you've got a text-enabled phone and BT Caller Display, your phone will let you know when you get a text message. You can then read the text on your phone screen.

You will receive your text messages as voice messages if:

  • You aren't registered with BT Text
  • You don't have BT's Caller Display service

First, check that you've registered for BT Text. To do this, either text a friend and you'll automatically be registered, or text 'register' to 00000.

Please also check that you've got BT Caller Display >

I'm having trouble receiving text messages, what should I do?

If you've got problems, type 'reset' and send to 00000.


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